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2023 Greensboro Chapter Elections

NCCU Greensboro Chapter Election Flyer.jpg
Submit Your Nomination Here:

Accepting Nominations until March 1, 2023



The President will be Chief Executive of the Chapter and will have the following duties: preside at all chapter meeting, ex-officio member of all committees, give signatures when necessary; verify that all books, reports, certificates, and Constitution and By-laws are properly maintained; submit to the National office narrative reports of Chapter's activities and services performed when requested; attend National meetings and report minutes to the general body; and will serve as the official representative and spokesperson for all matters pertaining to the Chapter, unless otherwise delegated to another representative.


In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will perform the duties of the President.  The Vice-President will perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Alumni Council as needed. Additionally, the Vice President will represent the Association at all regional meetings.


The Secretary will be responsible for the following duties: keep a record of all proceedings of the Association; maintain all committee reports, prepare an order of business or agenda for regular association meetings; assist in maintaining the record books in which the bylaws, special rules, and minutes are entered; sending out meeting notes. In the absence of the President and the Vice President will call the meeting to order and preside until the presiding officer is available. Furthermore, the Secretary will perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Council.


The Treasurer will have the following duties: serve as the custodian of the Association’s funds, hold an accurate and complete account of all funds for the Chapter, present a financial report at each meeting, write the checks approved by the body, process the disbursement of funds approved by a majority of the membership present, work closely with all committees, especially the Fundraising and Scholarship Committees, submit financial reports to the National Office and complete annual forms.


The Parliamentarian is responsible for maintaining and executing all rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised at all official chapter proceedings.



The Community Service committee will conduct activities to support the University and the community of Greensboro through outreach and service.


The Fundraising committee will be responsible for developing resources and executing activities to raise funds to support the general operating budget.


The Jazz Concert committee will be responsible for planning, promoting, and executing all activities to related to the annual jazz concert event.


The membership committee will work to recruit, retain and reward financial members of the Chapter. Activities include, but are not limited to, recruitment drives and member support.


The Scholarship Committee will promote the chapter’s local scholarship program. Their responsibilities include soliciting, reviewing, and selecting applicants to represent to chapter as well as raising funds to support the scholarships. 


The Social committee is tasked with the duty to develop and execute social activities to strengthen our commitment to each other, our family and the community at large. Social events will include, but are not limited to, the annual alumni picnic, watch parties, and local athletic outings.

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